Spy Vs Spy


Did anyone else read “Mad Magazine” as a kid? I used to love it. I have a thing for satire. Or is it sarcasm? Oh well, I use to love to read it. My favorite thing in the magazine was Spy Vs Spy. I fucking loved it. One side going against the other. Back-n-Forth try to one up each other. Yes, I fucking loved it.

“Dorothy’s War” has had it share of spies on all sides. But something new has come to light:


The double agent!

Whose side are they really on?

LMFAO! This is gonna be a fun post!

Alright I told those Log Ladies to just leave me out of their crazy delusions. I do have other things to get to before this place is gone. But they want a little more attention (if you don’t want to read through all the mindless ramble, just skip to the last 2 clips):





How the fuck did that all turn towards me? They think I’m the devil. Well… boogga booga!

You might have noticed some changes in Kim’s group. First off there was a name change:


A name change because no one knew what Catechizing meant. That says something right there about these geniuses. I didn’t know what it meant either… so I looked it up:


It’s the first thing I did when I saw the group. Not these idiots. They just blindly followed not wanting to understand something they knew they didn’t. Get it?

Kim changed the name… too bad. It’s Kim’s decision of course. Still unlike Maureen I liked the old name:


Now watch me make Maureen look stupid. “So much better”? Did you even read the new name? “Catching The LISK Murders”. What does that mean? Is “The LISK Murders” like a cold or something?  Kim changed one word (because she’s crazy and lazy) that no one understood so now the whole thing makes no sense. LMFAO! Don’t worry they figured  it out eventually. It’s now “Catching  The LISK Murderers”. Crazy, lazy Kim took the easy way out, not wanting to come up with something new she just added an e and an r in there and “all better”. Except it now implies that there is more than one LISK. That’s fine if that’s what they are going for. I stand by my opinion that the original name “Catechizing The LISK Murders” was the best and she should have just left it that way. But hey, as long as Maureen likes it better.

The other thing you might have noticed is Kim closed the group. Which, I guess I should thank someone  who sent me screen shots and let us all stay up with what’s going on in that “Reject Asylum”. I should, but they don’t want me too.

Double Agent!

Right Millie?

LOL. I’m having a little fun and I should clue you all in so you can have fun with me. While Margene was just settling in on another long tale, Kim felt the need to say my name again:


I’m “a little bitch with spies”. Oh so true. Spies, Double agents, and something worse. What’s that, you ask? You have to wait till you get to the end of our spy tale.

I love how Kim had to warn Margene that I think she’s “a psycho and off your meds”.

Did I say off meds? No, don’t think I did. Being on meds can be just as scary as being off them, right Margene?


Yes, “meds can only help so much”.

This all sparked a very interesting catechizing of someone named Millie:

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LMFAO! Sorry Millie, sometimes in a war there are civilian casualties.


You are right Kim, I do love them. Please keep them coming. Maybe it’s Kim who is giving me the screen shots. She loves to give them to me, said so her self. Well, I thank you for them Kim. At least we know Maureen was wrong, as usual. HEE HEE! See how easy it is to make her look stupid. Again, so glad she finally sat down.

Now before Kim interrupted Margene and insured this post, Margene was getting ready to tell us a story:


Thankfully after a little zero bashing we covered above, Margene continued. I know this is long. But if you want to fully understand Margene and Kim’s little group, I suggest you read every word:




margene zodiac5.JPG



Again, “meds can help only so much”.

How do we end this? Because after reading all of that I’m sure everyone needs a break from the insanity. Take it away Kim:


Yea, “don’t let that bastard scare you off” Margene. You are where you belong. Among likewise minds. Makes it easier for everyone to keep an eye on Dorothy’s nut gallery.

Which brings us back to “Dorothy’s War”, full of spies, double agents, and what’s worse:


The rogue agent. No sides. They are there just there to create mayhem for both sides. You never see them coming!