One More Time… Why?

I’ve made it very clear that I enjoy any and all feed back on my blogs. Comments from the haters, the curious, the crazies, and the more informed are all welcome and make the blogs all the more interesting and informative. There are also quite a few of you that I talk with outside the blogs. Mostly in e-mails (mine is or on Facebook:

But also in a few phone calls.

I love hearing from people and discussing the different subjects from the blogs. Of course most people want to talk about the LISK case and that’s fine. Some like to discus the case and others want to discus those who used the internet to manipulate the case (that might be a little too much, but then again some did manipulate it in ways). Since I spent over a year of my life looking very deeply into this subject and those involved (ie. Fluke, MM7, Jen, Dorothy, etc.) I love to discus those parts of my blogs and help in any way to explain any parts of them or answer any questions I can. I really like to hear from those who know some of these people I’ve written about and to hear their thoughts on why they are doing what they are doing.

Again, I talk to different people about different things, and really it’s the Milo/Quiet Pills posts that gets the most views, but it’s the LISK case and the leaches (too harsh… naw) who attached themselves to it that I get the most inquiries about off-blog.

And the most asked question has to be “Why do you blog about LISK and these people?” or “What made you start blogging about LISK and these people?”. Didn’t Dorothy herself ask me this long ago?

zero Fb dph1

Yes, it’s been asked hundreds of different ways, in fact dawhoda just asked it:

dawhoda why

Like I said it’s been asked a hundred different ways… and I have answered it a hundred different ways. Just in the blogs alone I explain this over and over, so some of you should just do a little more reading. But I also know we get new readers here all the time and they come across the blogs for different reasons and that is probably the first question when you see how much time I have devoted to this subject. So I’ll answer it one more time (notice I didn’t say one last time).

If you want to know how I came to blogging on the subject you have to go back to the first blog I started here on WordPress. It was called the Zero Prophet Blog or as some started calling it “The Red & Black“. I wrote a 3 part post explaining exactly how I first came to the places and people involved in the LISK circles:

Catfish & Serial Killers Part 1

Catfish & Serial Killers Part 2

Catfish & Serial Killers Part 3

I was quickly pulled in to all the comments from places like

and Catching LISK:

and decided to make a side blog. It went through a few names as I wrote it, the first was The Long Island Serial Killer and The Internet… quite a title right. I know way too much, but the internet itself was what my blogging had been about, mostly (those who have read the “Red & Black” know that it was a kind of spiritual blog, but was leaning towards our use and misuse of the internet), and since this was the first side blog from it I had intended to make it about how serial killers may be using the internet not only to find victims, but in ways to keep track of and manipulate what was being said about them online. And I did discus some of these types of things. In fact at the beginning I thought there was a good chance MM7 and others were being stalked by a serial killer online. (that’s another question I get asked a lot, do I really believe a serial killer stalked any of these sites including mine, the simple answer is no. I don’t think the serial killer wrote here or any of my other blogs, or on MM7’s blog. I’m not so sure they never wrote on or Websleuths, and if they didn’t write there I bet they read there. They could be reading this now. I doubt it, but you never know). That quickly changed though, like almost immediately (right about drone time). I quickly started to doubt all of it (and with good reason) and that changed the blog, actually changed both blogs. But this was even more down the line of what I was trying to blog about. People using the internet for nefarious reasons (that fits, right?), and as I continued to blog I continued to pull back layers of so strange onion (I’ve used this metaphor before to describe it, and it really does fit best).

That blog itself went through 3 changes all marked with disclaimers. The first part was just me and what I thought on things (it’s wrong in a lot of areas, but with all the games that were being played, that should be understandable), the second part I had started to talk to MM7, Jen, and others and really started questioning what was being said to me and in comments all over the internet. the third part is where i really dug in and started talking to everyone I could, mostly people who were part of in anyway, since that was what the blog really became about, and those who commented there. Which is why I changed the name of it to Another Look:

The more of that onion I peeled back, the curiouser I got. that’s the simple answer, and I believe I said it before, it is my curiosity that mostly brought me to all of this and kept me blogging about all this (long after the ending the LISK blog). My first question was the same… WHY? But if that’s not enough, and you need more of an explanation… there are plenty of other places to read it:

For Any New Readers

For What It’s Worth

My Name Is Zero… So Nice To Meet You

Chronicles of Crazy

I’m sure there are more, but you get the idea.





7 thoughts on “One More Time… Why?

  1. Welcome back! I didn’t finish the post yet, I got as far as DPH comment about you and felt the need to address it.

    DPH, it’s pretty easy to figure out how a man in LV is interested in a serial killer on LI. He has empathy, compassion and a sincere desire to help. You see, not everyone has an agenda. You should try sincerity and empathy sometime, you would live a happier life. Or is that the problem, you enjoy misery?

    • Agreed CA1. Some ppl just want to help. Is it that crazy to want to help? No wonder why this world is losing its helpers – even when you try to help you get villified for doing so. Also,anyone who calls ppl on their lies might seem like an enemy or a bad guy to the one who is getting called out.

      • donna and i are discussing this very subject off-blog. My views are mixed of course. helping is good, but not always posible. though i aslo don’t want the world to be a place where we just get ourselves right and not care about everyone else. still the idea of helping others with out a worry for ourselves would definately work if everyone did it. you wouldn’t have to worry about yourself because others would be doing it for you… while if everyone just worked on helping them selves may work, but only if everyone is capable of helping themselves… which in my opinion, i don’t see happening. though back to the other, helping only others only works if EVERYONE does it, and everyone does not, so if you live life never thinking of yourself and only others in this day in age with so many people in the world, you can get used and broken and left behind. The best thing is to surround yourself with people you do know have your back, but to get there you have to have a ballance… which means helping others but not neglecting looking out for yourself. That’s how i see it for now at least. which again is why i say i’m no hero. I do for me, i do for others… I just do because that is life. and beyond all my other beliefs, you gotta live life till you aren’t living it no more. if not for any other reasons but for those who can’t live it anymore. almost everything always comes back to this for me. I’m just living because i can and that’s a simple, beautiful thing no matter how complicated it is

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