The Experiments

I’ve called this blog an experiment, actually I have said it is a few different experiments. I think for the most part, any continuous reader picked up on what they were. But before we head off into the sunset I do have to explain a little further.

So the idea of doing a blog called Zero’s World first came about because so many that got involved in my LISK blog seemed very interested in personal stuff about who was behind the blog. I was happy to oblige, but didn’t think that was the place to do it. So the idea of a Zero’s World Blog came to be. And I guess the personal stuff was the FIRST EXPERIMENT.

I wondered if by making a more personal blog would some readers take it and run with it. Let’s call it “The Dorothy Experiment”. We all know how that experiment ended up. Right from the beginning of this blog my identity became a big issue and lawsuits were being thrown out there. My wife and family became targets. And Dorothy made me part of her never-ending LISK list. It sucks but this is how the internet works. Your life can be twisted by trolls and under-medicated busy bodies. I went into it knowing this would most likely be the outcome, so I can’t bitch or complain about it, but many have this happen to them unwillingly and it can be devastating to have lies and slander posted about you from strangers on the internet. And I feel for all of yous.

Another experiment was to see if I could figure out who was behind some of the screen names that were plaguing the different blogs and sites. Let’s call it “The NERD Experiment”. That experiment was a great success. From Mockingbird to LL6, it all came out. Does everyone remember all the hoopla about who the “Real” PS149 was? LOL, well, it came out here didn’t it? In fact that was who I wanted to know most of all, the 69 IP. Behind hundreds of comments from almost as many different screen names, the one I call NERD. This blog can end with its head held high just from figuring out Nerd was PS149 who was originally Seaslug44. The one that some thought was Hackett was Joe G. And who’s Joe G? I did write about this:


LindsayLohan6 & Seaslug44

I mean without NERD, there would be no LISK Blog or ZW. MM7 thinking this guy was Hackett, a serial killer, and stalking her is why I really started blogging about it all. Plus Joe G’s continued screen name games was one of the main reasons ZW came about. Yes, most of all this was because no one knew who this person was. The person behind all these comments:

69 ip1

69 ip2.JPG

amd mm7 blog 1st

amd mm7 blog2.JPG

amd mm7 blog3.JPG

nerd as amd on UG

nerd as genius at mm7


nerd on fluke and TS

ss44 moving to florida

ss44 moved to florida.JPG

ss44 phone issues.JPG

ss44 ws local.JPG

ss44 ws local2.JPG

ss44 sites

ss44 sites2

cynthia on ccc

nerd just k

nerd pom

nerd as veronica on ps149

nerd an IP

early nerd comments

3 more early nerd.JPG

nerd 1997.JPG

amd on mm7.JPG

And on and on and on… so yea, figuring out who it was all coming from was big in my book and makes this blog a success! Right? Thank you to everyone who helped! Lots did. But it was Joe G. himself that really left the path to find him. And just to wrap it up with a nice little bow and prove to anyone who needs further proof who was stalking MM7s blog:

joe g 1st

joe g is amd

Joe g spam mm7

joe g ps149


joe g lance TS GQ.JPG

Make of it all as you want, because Nerd ran away and isn’t answering any questions. I will say this, out of all the who’s I figured out, none of the whys were ever answered enough for me to understand. The whys never are.

Out of all the experiments that went on here, “The Back N Forth” Experiment” was the one I really got into.

I was ready to go at it with any one who wanted to go. You all saw it play out in the comments and posts, but what you may not know is this was taking place all over the internet:

pizzagate bible1.JPG

pizzgate bible2

pizzagate bible3.JPG

pizzagate bible4.JPG

pizzagate bible5.JPG

pizzagate bible6.JPG

terry's bible 1.jpg

terry's bible 2.jpg

pizzagate bible7

pizzagate bible8

That’s one of my favorites. I never called anyone homophobic, just pointed out the word means exactly what it’s used for. And I stand by my comments on their bible, SCARY!

No mater what I would or wouldn’t blog about, it all came back to the “back n forth”. This was the line I would follow the whole way. And it’s the line the internet seems to follow as well. From beefs between Marvel and DC fans to the depths of it all in places like Pizzagate Exposed, the “back n forth” reigns supreme. And after giving into it for all these years I can understand why. I have to admit, it was fun at times to just give in and go at it tit for tat no matter how stupid and pointless it got. And of course there were times where it was gratifying to deliver much-needed medicine to those in need of it. But I never fooled myself into thinking the back n forth ever proved anything, what would prove something would be to walk away from all the back n forth. In the time I have been doing this blog, engaging in many back n forths, it has slipped from our social media and into the real world. I said it would happen and it has. Take a look around, Twitter conducts the White House!

Everything I said was coming has come. Crazy is the new black. And the internet will pat you on your back and support your delusions. When it’s not supporting you, it’s egging you on with the “back n forth”.

The back n forth is taking us backwards. I’m ready to move forward.

The Truth About The CCC Part 1

Over the years a lot has been said about a group of men in Long Island called The CCC. With all the stories floating around, it has become somewhat of a myth. I think it’s time that myth was cleared up.

Finding the whole story behind The CCC can be a little difficult. There are lots of rumors and hearsay out there and it’s all scattered. The best place to get the truth is to read it directly at the site The CCC originated: Utopia Guide. I think most people know by now about Utopia Guide, it is a site where Johns, meaning sex trade clients, discuss what they call their  “hobby”. That “hobby” being paying for sex.

I will get more into Utopia Guide as this post grows… but for now I should point out, that Utopia Guide was down for a little while recently. I noticed that when the site came back up, some of The CCC stuff was gone. That will make this a little harder to get at the root of The CCC… but as we all know, once it’s on the internet, it can be found.

Since DPH is where I first got some kind of story about The CCC, that’s where we will start:

dph ccc lie

WTF?!? Dorothy wrote that back in January, and it is complete Dorothy Dog Shit! The thing is, she knows this is a lie. Don’t you Dorothy? I mean you know you made this up, don’t you? Again I have to ask, those around Dorothy in everyday life… is she crazy and you don’t care? Do you just not see it? Does she cover up the crazy? Or is she doing this on purpose? Which ever it is, and I’m starting to wonder if we will ever really know for sure, her comment above about The CCC mixed in with Fluke “neighbor agenda” and “Burke propaganda” is exactly why I decided to finally put this post together. It’s crap, and it makes an already complicated thing, more complicated. So please, try again Dorothy:

jerry dph ccc

Well, that’s closer to the story you and MM7 first told me… let’s just cut to the chase:

That may be a little confusing, some of it is comments left on UG about a guy with the screen name magicfingersny. I believe MM7 wanted to show proof that The CCC existed, because there were a few out there trying to convince her it was a joke, a made up thing. On her blog people using screen names from UG straight up told her The CCC was a hoax:

wolf5958 mm7 blog

I should point out DPH was convinced Wolf5958 was her ex husband. I did a quick google search and decided it was not her ex husband. In fact I’m guessing anyone looking into The CCC looked all into this screen name… they have enough of a trail online to do so. This was one of the many times I questioned how much of the false information being put out there was on purpose. I mean Dorothy and MM7 had to have found everything I did, I found everything they did. So they had to have known this wolf was not Dorothy’s ex husband. And therefore connecting Dorothy’s ex husband to UG and The CCC by a screen name that they knew wasn’t him? I’m just saying. What am I saying? Oh yea, I don’t think wolf5958 from UG was Dorothy’s ex husband, that’s what I’m saying.

Still… all the screen names from UG popping up on MM7’s blog didn’t help with the confusion. Which obviously was the point, which is why I believe they showed up on my blog as well:

teps ccc lisk blog

teps lisk blog

Man, I was all so new to these games back then. And I had no idea if these were people from UG or just trolls. Back then I just figured it was people wanting me to look at UG and The CCC. I mean why bring attention to themselves if it was really them? But now I wonder… could some of them been the real UG screen names they claimed?

lightweight and teps

Either way it got me reading UG (thanks, a lot), and there I could see where DPH and MM7 got their story from:

teps magic ccc 2008

So this is what MM7 had posted on her blog, and it does seem to show that there was a CCC and this guy Magic was kicked out of it. The reason why seems to stem from Magic posting on UG about girls without really using their services. In hindsight, the story of Magic’s fall from The CCC is worth looking into… but back then, I didn’t know it. What I did know, was the story DPH and MM7 got out of all this was crazy.

If you don’t know the story, this is basically it:

4 men, who were part of group called The CCC were responsible for the AC4 murders. Not together, but 4 guys each took turns killing 1 of the 4 girls. Then years later they get in a fight with a member of this little group, Magic, and kick him out of the group. But Magic knows about the murders they each committed and is determined to get even with them. So Magic then goes and kills 4 girls, the GB4, wanting to make it look like his old buddies were responsible.

I swear, that’s the story DPH and MM7  were telling. That was what they came up with after looking into The CCC and UG. I blame television.

So, as I already wrote, DPH thought her ex husband was in The CCC. Dorothy also thought Fluke might have been in The CCC. Dorothy and MM7 also believed Brewer was part of the group:

mm7 brewer is lw

I already said that I don’t believe Dorothy’s ex husband was part of the CCC, but Fluke? Maybe… and Brewer? Interesting thought, huh? We will have to come back to that. Another person they connected to The CCC was Hackett. In fact they believed that guy Magic was Hackett. This of course fitted everything Fluke was selling both DPH and MM7 about Hackett. Out of all of them, this one is definitely not true. Magic couldn’t be Hackett, because Magic is dead:

magic dead 1 15 2010

That is straight from UG. And quite a few people comment about it there:

magic memorial1

fuhecu2 magic stonehedge


billy s rip magic marc

When I saw all this (again, back then I was new to many parts of this) I couldn’t understand why DPH or MM7 would try to say Magic was Hackett. They were getting their information from UG, and they had to have known Magic was dead and therefore not Hackett. In fact I couldn’t figure out why they would think this was connected to LISK at all. I wrote the whole thing off at first. Which was easy, because I really didn’t like reading at UG. But they weren’t the only ones mentioning The CCC, so as with everything else I kept chasing it.

At the end of the day (I really hate that phrase and use it mockingly) The CCC and UG seemed to have plenty to look into without pretending Hackett and Dorothy’s ex were people they obviously weren’t. I also discovered you didn’t have to come up with some made for TV story about a serial killer copycatting his 3 serial killer friends to connect The CCC to the LISK case.

To be continued…

The Games People Play Part 2


Everyone wants to play. I get it, I get it. I stepped in, rattled the crazy hornets nest again. LMFAO! Well, we still have some time left. Let’s play!


So last week I got that email. This week I get this one:


WTF? I have no idea why these people wrote me these. I wrote each back asking who they were, and surprise, surprise, no response.  I mean that one actually asked for my phone number. Sounds like Susie! I know right now Susie is trying real hard to find dirt on me. We will talk about that in a moment. Is the information in the e-mails real? Probably not if it’s Susie. I got a third email also about John Ray. I’m not gonna discuss that here yet. Someone who wanted to let me know I have John Ray wrong (Do I? How exactly do I have him?). They also had lots of questions. I’m not sure what to do about this one yet. They have returned my reply so they aren’t “hit and runs” like those other 2 e-mailers. Still 3 emails about John Ray… what’s that all about? So fuck the trolls who wrote those first 2 e-mails, that’s what trolls get, blasted on the blog (why do they still not get that?). The other person with all the questions, if you are reading right now,  it’s not that I don’t want to answer those questions. I don’t know who you are or why you want with it all. And at the moment there are lots of nuts conspiring against me. I will think about it and get back to you. I do appreciate that you would want my opinion on some of those things. Very good questions… lots though, lol.

Speaking of questions (yes this blog is gonna be all over the place, so deal with it), Richard Lyon (Susie Sampierre) wrote me with questions a while back:


Oh Susie! I know you are now using this account and others to try to find out all you can about me. I told you to stop that. I’m done with you. I showed the world who you really are. I know that pissed you off. But I explained how it was your own fault. Reap and Sow right? Now stop asking about me.

Everyone is so concerned with me again. LOL. The ones that say “I dont’ matter anyway”. Is that from The Breakfast Club? And you all are ending up in one place aren’t ya? I see another troll made it into Kim’s page. Let’s talk about Larry!

I hear Larry is trying to make it sound like we are working together or that i gave him some information. Why don’t you all learn? Larry, like all the rest of you came to me with questions a little while back:


It probably is Susie. Whoever it is, you ain’t fooling no one. Nice last name! The rest of the conversation was short and sweet:


No reply after that. Go figure. But I hear Larry is saying plenty over on Kim’s group of rejects. It’s become a “closed group” so I can’t actually see what is being said at the moment. But people talk. Eventually, someone talks to me. I guess Larry (almost sounds like Jerry when you say it) has been saying I said H.A. made up the fake Facebook accounts for AC4 and GB4. As you can see, I did not tell Larry Wolff this. And yes I have discussed this subject many times in all my blogs. But I only said Police asked him if he did it. There are articles out there on this:

By the way it is also said that police know who made the fake accounts and say they are not the killer. So don’t try to pull a Jerry on me Larry. See, they sound alike, they act alike. LOL. Jerry tried to make it look like I was saying L.H. is LISK. (‘Member? Yea, we ‘member). Even though we know Jerry was the one pushing that narrative:


Sounds like everyone is trying to take me down with alternative facts. Nice try bitches!

Also I was the only one to notice H.A. was Facebook “Friends” with a few people in Kim’s group. I knew giving it to the wolf troll would tell me something. And it did… it went right to that group of dum dums. That says a lot!

I need to point out, while some of those new trolls brought in by Jerry and Jenny being Facebook “Friends” with H.A. may be a little telling, it should not seem unusual for people in a LISK group being Facebook “Friends” with him. That’s how these things work. I don’t need to elaborate right? Non nuts get it. I doubt H.A. has anything to do with that crazy bunch that snuck in to Kim’s group. That happened because Jerry liked Jenny so much:

Yea, Jenny brought them all in, but Jerry, bottom line, it happened because of you. That’s just truth. I better lay off Jerry, we are friends now, right?

I also don’t want to get too much into Jenny or her friends. But thank God Kim left the group open long enough for us to see all that. It was insanity. Poor Kim had to get rid of a lot of people. But to get rid of all the nuts that place would have to shut down. It’s run by a nut.

Oh yea, Kim don’t like me saying that:


LMFAO! Thanks for the link Kim! Now who would reply to a comment like this?


I could have bet Dorothy would be there. Oh look, Maureen! Maureen I set a place at the table for you a long time ago, so glad you finally sat down.

Who is this Margene person?


Don’t do it Margene… who ever you are, don’t get dragged into “Dorothy’s War”.


Oh, hell no! You crazy bitch! Dorothy used to write shit like that about my mom. That’s just not gonna be allowed. And Kim, before you get mad at me for calling Margene crazy, it’s been diagnosed:


Yep, a fucking skitzo! Look, I get some of you have mental issues. Then stay off the internet. At least stay out of open serial killer cases. No, actually the least you can do is leave me out of your delusions. I swear to God Margene, say something about my mom again and I will turn this blog into a shrine for you. Know that.

I’m getting carried away. Sorry about that. You know I love you guys, but come on, my mom was a saint, if some of you had a mom like her, maybe there wouldn’t be so many voices in your heads.

I bet you nuts are just gonna say I’m attacking women again. You all play the victim almost as well as you play the nut. But don’t forget, Joey! This all started with the first Rooster to gather a bunch of nutty hens. Joey… Jerry… yea they sound a like too. Who thinks Jerry is the new Rooster gathering nutty hens?  LOL, put down those hands, I know who can see it and who can’t. Don’t take that as a dig Jerry, we are friends now, right? I’m just trying to help ya out:




Take a look at what it will do for ya!

Alright, Flukes a little fish now. Caught in the net long ago. We need a big fish. Like a shark!

For the most part, most of Jenny’s “Friends” who came to Kim’s group because of Jerry were way out there. I was surprised it was allowed to go on for so long. No I wasn’t, it’s an asylum, and that’s how asylums are. The only reason they all got booted was because someone Kim feels needs to be there (we all know who that is) left. They were forced to boot them. There are lines that should be read between, I really hope most of you can do that. Me though,  I was I booted in minutes. I’m worse than anyone in these nuts eyes. Because I call out the lies, the slander, the crazy people. I’m the guy who is most evil! I’m the one they all love to hate.  Well fuck it. Let’s make some more enemies.

There was one screen name that came through with the Jenny crowd. Ken Jones. The Shark:


Nice nick name! The Shark! Scary. I think I jumped a shark once or twice.

So The Shark came in with the others, but decided to make it personal. Together with Jerry and Dorothy they trashed all over Leanne:




Good Samaritan? Yea, Ken seems like a real nice guy. I thought Jenny’s pals came to the group to screw with Kim and the nut gallery. This one decided to play along with queen nut herself. That right there is enough for me to want to know more about The Shark. Remember everyone, Dorothy and I are at war. Anyone working with her has to be taken out. It’s a war after all.

Welcome to the blog Ken!

Dorothy made an odd comment in the middle of the trashing:

dph ccc lie.JPG

A new spin on the CCC. And out of nowhere! Nice one Dorothy! Give me a little time, I think I can clear up everything on the CCC. And not that crap you wrote there. LMFAO!

Yes, games are being played everywhere by everyone.

But you all need to leave me out of them. Keep asking me to play and you know I will!


LISK Games

So I long ago concluded there were lots of people playing some sort of game with the Gilgo Beach Murder cases. Many people didn’t like me calling it games, but I don’t know what else to call it. Many tried to turn it back on me and say I am the one playing games. I understand that, but I’m really just shining a light on them all… to do that, I admit I had to get right down to the level of all these nuts involved. And believe me it has taken its toll.

But I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I think the LISK case is a game. Quite the contrary, I find that there is so many people playing some kind of game with an open serial killer case quite frightening. I don’t think anyone involved in this case is doing right by the victims. EVERYONE is out to prove, what they want to prove regardless of what is real. The LISK case is not a game and I am appalled by those who keep treating it like one. It’s why I do this. Well, one of the reasons… I told you all, I’m complicated.

Now before anyone bitches at me for saying EVERYONE is playing games with the case, let me just say, I’m not far from wrong. There all no absolutes, I know that. I said before I’m no Sith. But it’s a lot more than just a few Websleithers. More than a few angry neighbors. It’s more than just a few people off their meds and trolling the internet. That’s starting from the bottom and working up. Let’s start at the top. Chief of police James Burke is locked up right now. Anyone want to tell me he didn’t play games with this case? The Chief of Fucking Police! Or how about John Ray. One of the biggest mouth pieces in the case (and behind a lot of other big mouths). And when it comes to LISK Games… John Ray is one of the masters.

Go ahead hate me… I don’t care. I’m calling it as I see it. So please don’t come to me and say, “hey take that down” or “your messing with the case”. I’ve heard it all before. I asked for “last words” a long time ago… don’t even bother any more. We are past all that.

I long ago tried to move on from all the nuts who have pushed their way into the LISK case. I’ve done it a few times over the past 4 years. But there’s always been Dorothy and Flukeyou there to keep me involved. And even if they weren’t there is a number of nuts fighting their way into this. I’ve called a lot of these nuts out… we have a few left to go.. and new ones keep jumping up to say hi. So I have to just get it all out there now.

I know there’s a lot going on in secret pages and private messages right now. It’s crazy, right? But I have to bow out of all that. To many nuts seeping in. I made the mistake thinking I caught the attention of one nut pretending to be different people… tuned out it was 3 all new nuts. Well, I wouldn’t say all new. But first time they all reached out to me. And guess what, even between these 3 there are several screen names. So yea, I’m done playing the who’s who game… it always brings some new madness my way. So if I’m scarce in off blog activity for a while, I hope you all understand.

I started this blog keeping it all out in the open… on the blog. But since so many of the nut gallery like to do their dirty work off in private messages and phone calls, I had to do the same. And look where we are… how many have we knocked off in the past few weeks? I haven’t been to Websleuths lately, but I bet the games have quieted down.

So off the blog is no more… it’s been fun. But really it’s time to get the rest of this out of the secret discussions and out to be seen for what it really is. What ever that turns out to be.

Now before anyone reads the next post about our little “Joker”, EVERYONE needs to watch this video, and read all of the lyrics. I mean every word.

MM7 and Susie

I know this place can be confusing. You should see what it’s like in my head, everything racing around in circles, constantly. So it can be hard to keep things straight when I start typing. Luckily for all of you I love to do recap posts or what we have come to call explanation posts. This is gonna be one of those.

So I’ve blogged about lots of things, but one ongoing thread was to show the connection of some people I used to blog about from, but as we have evolved here, we know the truth… it’s a group of Websleuthers. So I have shown how these people got together and well we all can see the outcome.

Once again I need to point out that a lot of ladies reached out to Mari and were part of her Facebook group. It’s important to note that, MM7, Dorothy, Jen, Candyce, and Susie were part of that. At least at one time. I think it should also be noted that they all were kicked to the curb at some point. This happened because they did all work together at some point and then ran back to Mari to rat out the other. They each had to be the one who was helping Mari and the best way to show that was to expose that the others were up to no good. The main story was always someone was writing a book. They each accused the other of admitting they were writing a book. This was an issue quite a bit once books started to be written.  There was also the screen name thing.  And bad talk behind Mari’s back. They liked to snitch on each other. Still do or I couldn’t be writing all this. I call this group of ladies The Exiles… though some of them did get back into Mari’s good graces. It’s important to know this went on, it was part of it. So it all started with…

Truthspider. Well that’s where I’m starting it at least. For what ever reason, Truthspider and Fluke got together on the whole LISK=Hackett campaign. I have heard they know each other through lifeguard stuff maybe. But even if they just met up on Websleuths for the first time it doesn’t matter, because once those 2 started there, a lot set into motion to connect the very wrong people. Now Fluke also had his stuff going at and Truthspider would go there as well, but it was Websleuths that started the real connections, and still does from what I see. So Jen G. is on Websleuths, MM7 is there on Florida stuff… and MM7 joins the Hackett campaign. So you have Fluke, MM7, and Truthspider working together behind the scenes and taking their fight to Websleuths. They have resistance especially from PS149. Meanwhile MM7 is also helping Fluke over at as well. Too Close To Home is doing their best to combat them there (we are keeping war terms for now since we are in a war with Dorothy, that is how she sees this, so that is how it shall be, TKAMB seems to be another casualty from that war, so I don’t think it’s going to well for that side). There were others that spoke out against them and the whole thing blew up there, resulting in several people being removed from Websleuths.

Jen G. connects to both MM7 and Fluke and they all work together. (What I mean is they all worked together as 3, but also Jen worked with Fluke alone, MM7 worked with Fluke alone, and MM7 and Jen worked alone) Dorothy gets in there too. She works with MM7 quite a bit. QUITE A BIT! Dorothy works with Jen. MM7 starts her blog and it is a place for all the Websleuths fighting to continue since Websluths frowns on it, harshly.  But that three-some breaks up. Jen and Dorothy go at it. Jen tells Mari MM7 is writing a book. MM7 tells Mari things about Jen. There are other connections, Dorothy and Nancy, and somewhere Candyce finds her way in and out of there, and some I still may not see. When there are so many “players” each one capable of creating multiple accounts it’s hard to keep up. But I think I did a good job. I think I got to the core of most of them.

So this group worked together and against each other and created a lot of false narratives. And as you see it still goes on. Hawkshaw Pete and Mocking Bird Sue are still involved in this kind of thing. But what I really want to show with this post is how it all circles back around, that this group all connects together. I want to show you TKAMN/Susie connects right back to this group who started it all… and well that was done before I even started blogging about any of this. It’s right there on MM7’s blog to read anytime:

Falling out

Yep, I hate to use their own words, like conspiracy, but they have all conspired together, that’s no joke. And the more I look at each one you see how they worked together and yes against each other. But more importantly in my opinion they interfered. And some still are.

Author’s Note: After posting this I realized maybe a graph of sorts would help show this better. So I made this:



A simple graph for a complicated group of people.

Junior Year



Some of you have noticed that this blog is chock-full of Easter eggs, inside jokes, and running gags.You may catch some of them from time to time. Like the use of Eminem videos or my constant misspelling of waste (waist). Those are pretty obvious, others are not. But I think most people might have caught my high school comparison by referring to the first year of the blog as Freshman Year and the second year of the blog as Sophomore Year.  OK, maybe not everyone, but some of you might have noticed and came to the conclusion that the third year would be Junior Year. And you’d be right.

Back in those first 2 years I couldn’t wait to get to the third year. Not only because I wanted to post some fun things with #Three, but I thought I’d be spending a lot of time on Junior aka Joe Jr. aka Flukeyou.

But as I mentioned, this year ran away with me. Plus how much more can I say about Fluke? We can go back and forth as he ignores the truth about what he and his lonely hearts club did, while he ‘ll come back “cocaine canning, cocaine canning”  and “your blog sucks”, and my favorite, “you are a zero”.  In fact, the last thing Fluke wrote here hit all three of these:


Yes, I’m a zero (I did give myself that name), yes my blog sucks (but it does have its moments), and no one gives a fuck about what you have to say about the Cannings. Leave the poor family alone all ready. You have no proof anyone is covering up for Hackett and the years of you bashing your neighbors has produced nothing, not one person to come forward and collaborate any of your stories. Well there’s your parents. But all they have is what you say, they really can add no more light (or truth) to the matter. In fact it’s my belief that if your parents weren’t there saying they agree with the things you say, people would have written you off long ago. Still, I think it’s very hard for you to find someone to listen to your disgruntled lies now… am I right?

Yea, even though I haven’t written much about you this year Fluke people got your number. And hey, that’s not just because of me. People had your number before I came along. I just proved it beyond any reasonable doubt. So yes, just like with Dorothy and Cristin, people can come here and see countless posts showing all your lies, games. and agenda.  And if anyone comes asking about any of you, you know I do my best to set them in the right direction But really Junior, it’s the people who know you, have met you, or interview you who come up with their own opinions on what you have to say. And again, you can find those things all over this place. No wonder you think this blog sucks.

Yes, there are plenty of posts throughout my blogs showing examples of what others have come to think after personally hearing Juniors so-called “facts” and LISK mathematics (LISK=Hackett) . But the best is something new, from the recently aired  The Killing Season on A&E. Joe Sr. and Jr. appeared to tell their tale and give their proof. And the last thing said about the Scalise’s I find very telling:

“Are the Scalise’s shedding light on a community wide conspiracy, or are they part of a conspiracy  devoted to demonizing Hackett?”

Isn’t that good? I wonder where else this has been said over and over… oh yea, this blog. In fact you might be able to find me saying this word for word someplace. Yes very telling. See, I’m no super man, others can see what I see. Shoot, others have a better chance to see it, I’m just a guy on the west coast reading and listening to it all.

So Fluke, there’s no need for me to continue… I can never post about you again and it wouldn’t matter. People see you for what you are. So hopefully we have seen the last of you here on  Zero’s World. I’m done with ya. That battle was won, and you Junior, lost. I suggest you just keep quiet now, because no one really cares about your neighbor slandering anymore, they just want to know more about what Flukeyou said throughout all this. Which, yes, you can find right here in my many Flukeyou posts. For now, that’s good enough for me.

Just one last thing:


Are you freaking serious? No, Junior you don’t have to answer that. You know why? Because everyone knows this answer already. People knew it before I proved it. You need to stop pretending you think no one knows you are Flukeyou. That might be one of your biggest self-induced delusions. Did you forget that it’s mentioned on pages 339 and 340 in Robert Kolker’s book Lost Girls? Did you forget that Jen and Cristin (people you worked with as Flukeyou) already gave that up long ago? Did you forget Cristin taped you telling the story of where the nick name came from?

How bad does my blog suck now?

Angry Music


I’ve been told that the music I listen to is bad for me. It’s too angry:

dph zero rap

new dph fb2

dph black music

LMFAO! Yes, some of my stalked stalkers really don’t like the music I listen too. I believe SOM said something like rap music causes kids to get guns and shoot people and Madonna’s music causes girls to become sluts. I’m paraphrasing and since he is no longer on Facebook I can’t go and read he exact words… but that’s close enough to what he was implying.

Well let’s take see what I’m listening to right now:

Holly shit!! Maybe there is some truth to what my oppressed, obsessers are saying.

There’s no telling what I’m gonna write about next… or who.

The music has taken over… all self-control has been relinquished to the demons of hip hop, punk rock, metal, and pop.

And no one is safe!

Flukeyou And Catching LISK

Alright, I’m not quite ready to jump back into all of that yet. We got a national holiday to celebrate, and I think any constant reader (sorry King, but it fits so well here) knows I’m all about the celebration. “I thought I told ya, I came to party”. LOL. Inside joke you’ll all get one day.

So we’ll see if Fluke returns (I think he’s on vacation right now, I really do hope someone keeps track of all the times and dates of where he goes all the time, you know, just in case).

There is so much I want to post from the “Catching LISK” blog and I know it will upset people on both sides of things if I do. But Fluke made me go back there with his paste and post comment here and his stuck in moderation comment there. By the way “Catching LISK” was removed by its author back in 2013, I’m not sure when it went back up but it’s been a while, and until Joey tried to post this comment last month :

fu on catching lisk 6 17 2015

No one had tried to comment there. Joey was the first. Then a short time later, this comment was put up (again, not put through though because this blog is dead, I hope people get that, no comments will ever be going through on that blog, it’s all crap, and really should be down, but for educational purposes, some of us think it should be up) Where was I? Oh yea, this comment:

Mariah Heevner

Let me explain why this comment is so funny. They are criticizing MM7 and being quite mean about it, lol, but then they praise Joey, not realizing Joey and MM7 were working together through out the writing of this blog, I know this because of the taped phone calls, lol. It seems that Mariah may know the Scalise’s and does live near Flukey. Hmmm… well, I will say this, Mariah’s comment amuses me to no end.

My point? What was my point? Oh yea, after all this time, the first 2 comments on the now dead blog “Catching LISK” are very interesting in a few ways. and I’m wondering what that third comment will be like… there is always 3. But there is no need, the blog is dead and only up to read and learn from. No comments, agenda or otherwise, will ever make it through again (I hope).

And as I said, I’m not ready to just jump right back into “Catching LISK”, but it is obvious that posts like these will always be a part of this blog.

That is unless you all want to come clean…


Flukeyou On Catching LISK

Before we get started on this post, I need to point out, that Catching LISK  is a dead blog. It was taken down, just as was. If you go to read there, know that most of it (Catching LISK) is crap and many of the comments are either from the Dorothy/Joey side or the other side which was vast, a lot of Websleuthers and other trolls and avengers, MM7 and Joey had picked up along the way. Oh and there is Jen, who started out with positive comments about the blog, but later tried to get some not so positive ones through. Those were not let through of course, which is why Jen came to my blog I’m sure. Sorry, I keep forgetting it’s “Fluke Weekend”, so that too is a blog for another time.

So Joey, let me explain it to you. That blog is dead. It died May 2013 due to it being crap and it’s author no longer wanting to be associated to it. It was crap you, Jen, Dorothy and Cristin created, and is now just rubble left from its destruction. So going there and trying to comment or spin anything is not gonna happen. There is no reason to comment there at all as it will not go through… it’s a dead blog. Do you get it? So no more comments like this one:

fu on catching lisk 6 17 2015


Yes, it seems Fluke found his way back to “Catching LISK” blog and not only copied something and posted it in my comments (see previous post), but he tried to leave a comment on the “Catching LISK” blog while he was there.

Now this is supposed to be a reply to someone called Babylon Barry:

fu comment answer

Wow, that innocent man stuff sure sounds familiar. We will have to come back to that. First I want to go over some of the things Flukeyou wrote as himself and other screen names he thought were cute. These were all on the “Catching LISK” blog during its short existence:

fu b4 tcb

LMFAO! This one is great. Was Fluke wanting to write that as Barbara? Ooops, he left the screen name as Flukeyou. And then in the other comment he explains why these things happen. Only problem is he wrote the explanation before the mistake (how does Fluke always do this, posting things ahead of time? Does he have a time machine?) if I’m reading the time stamps right. Maybe MM7 tried to help him correct his mistake but somehow made the time stamp off. The simpler answer is that Fluke probably wrote something as the wrong screen name and then wrote the cover up comment, then MM7 probably deleted that post, so he reposted it or messed up again, lol.  I know confusing right? But the main thing is look what Flukeyou wrote as himself instead of the fake screen name he meant to use.

Busted! He made this mistake time after time. Others called him on it at I wonder how many times he messed up on “Catching LISK” but MM7 helped by deleting or fixing them? Hard to keep up when you have so many screen names, huh Joe? I want to point out as well, that the one I call NERD wrote as Fukeyou  (and I think this got to the real Fluke) as well as just about everyone else. But MM7 took  most of these down from the blog not wanting to confuse things. Which I admit without seeing the IP addresses, it could get confusing to see who was who. But why take down the names she knew were fake and written by NERD, but leave up all the fake ones from Flukeyou. Comments like this:

fu BH truck sex

Man Joey, you sure are obsessed with the docs sex life. Over and over again.  But seriously, see what I mean. MM7 took all of NERD’s mocking screen names down but left all of Flukeyou’s up. Here’s more:

fu b4 tc2

I mean why not clear up that these came from Fluke and remove them? I know she knew it was him, she could see the IP addresses. Just as she knew all the comments coming from NERD were his, she knew these were Fluke, difference was, she was working with Fluke and the blog was there to help with his slandering of his neighbors.  Take a look at this one:

fu tc

There’s Fluke commenting as Tom C. and it has got to be one of the most disturbing comments left by anyone in all this. And with so many of them complaining about language and calling others vile, MM7 just let that comment by Fluke stay. And remember, Cristin aka MM7 knew it was Joey aka Flukeyou and let it through no problem.

You’ll notice I’m removing parts of some of the IPs. This is because Fluke used different IPs (some only changing a little as he used a different port in the server, that’s the easiest way to explain it, remember, I work with this kind of stuff, so I know what I’m talking about, as do some of you out there reading this who get the whole IP thing), but there are a couple IPs used exclusively and those are the ones I have kept the ends off. And it is these matching ones that prove without a doubt Flukeyous was behind many comments including the ones he leaves on my blog.

Shall we continue:

fu bh dif ip

fu bh dif ip2

fu BH

Damn, Cristin even let him call her a bitch as Barbara in that last one. Sorry, but I had to point that out again… continue:

fu bh2

Sorry, got to stop again, because that is just obscene. Again Joey, why do you fantasize about the doc and his wife’s sex life so much? And that comment where Fluke is writing as Barbara saying how Evelyn (that’s Joey/Flukeyou’s mom if you don’t know) is such a good mom, it’s my favorite Flukeyou comment. Man Joey, a psychiatrist would have a field day dissecting that comment. I just want to add that Hackett is not a zero… I am… continue:

fu bh3

fu cl1b

fu cl2b

fu cl3b

fu cl4

fu cl5

I love how Fluke wrote MM7 was right about CPH posting as him. NERD was posting a lot as Flukeyou (and again all those post were removed from the blog so people wouldn’t get confused about fake screen names, damn, so funny it hurts), but Joey was happy to push on MM7 to help further convince her CPH actually would comment on her blog. I plan to get into all those NERD comments if need be one day. But for now let’s just stick with what Flukeyou posted there. The real Flukeyou, Joey Scalise Jr.

I save this one for last because it reminded me of anther commenter and, well,  decide for yourself:

fu bh dif ip3

Another very crude comment left by Flukeyou writing as Barbara and let in without question or clarification by MM7.  But the use of the word blumpkin (if you don’t know what it means, Google it, Joey obviously knows the word, just saying) made me think of a screen name that just may be… as I said, decide for yourself:

fu blumpkin

FU blumpkin nigger joke

The Ips are very close and the use of blumpkin again sure sells it to me. Plus it just sounds like Flukey. You are one messed up dude fluke. And if any of your cronies ever want to call someone here vile again, they better reread all these comments and then STFU!

We would stop here, I feel I’ve gone on enough about all this (aren’t ya glad you brought that stuff up from the “Catching LISK” blog Fluke?) but there is still something nagging me about Joey’s latest comment he tried to leave on the “catching LISK” blog:

fu comment answer

fu on catching lisk 6 17 2015

What brought Fluke to answer this comment? I mean Fluke goes to the dead blog and finds this comment out of all the rest and replies to it… wait… those IPs again are very similar to one of the known Fluke IPs… let’s take a look at this Babylon Barry:

fu bb

Let’s see…

Leads MM7 on to things he wants her to comment about… check!

Uses the Peg Leg Pete joke… check!

Hates Too Close… check!

Damn, did I just find another one Joey? Well we can’t stop there:

fu bb2

“Where has Flukeyou been?” AH HA HA HA! More… more:

fu bb3

Even signed it with your signature Fluke equation.

Joey=Dope… lmao!

And those tranny comments Joey, times are changing, people like you, Dorothy, Nancy, and the Duggars (yea I said it) might want to start chosing your words more wisely.

I also should point out (though most of you won’t need me to) that there is a lot of Dot Girl in those Barry comments. And didn’t Jen G. comment there as Babylon something? I may have to check on that.

Ha ha… fucking dopes.

Come back any time Flukeyou.


So we’ve all heard about Joey and his mail order brides.

And in the three years I have been writing about Fluke, Dot, and the gang, many have come to me with concern for Flukes first wife, who I am told is Olga.

I’ve heard lots of stories about Fluke over these few years including the one most of you heard about Jen’s friend speaking to a russian lady who told her she feared her husband was the LISK killer. If you haven’t heard this dramatic tale of hearsay from Jen yet, don’t worry you will. And if you’ve heard it on Websleuths… well I guess that sleuther is out of the bag now. But I’ll stop there before I get in too much trouble. A blog for another time.

Well, back in the beginning of all this (for me that was January/February of 2013) when everyone was posting mug shots (no one found any for me still? what could that mean? I know some of you looked for them, lmao) I came across one that I was told was Joey’s ex-wife Olga.

I’ll post the link in a second but first I want to share with you what was written under the mug shot and arrest info when I frist saw it back then:


This explained some of the comments I had read on calling Fluke an animal abuser and other things that obviously came from others finding this comment. Or did some people know more about this arrest? If so (and I get the feeling people did/do) then this could be part of the reason Olga is no longer with Joey.

Of course without Olga’s side to any of this it’s all just hearsay (but man there are lots of hearsay on this, coming from different places). Unless you’d like to comment on any of this Fluke. What’s your side of the events that took place in Florida on 8-31-09?

Wait, I think you might have already spoke out on this.

Later, when going back to look at this page a second comment was there. Now remember, this 2nd comment comes after all this was discussed on my blog and other places. Well here, just look at the second comment:

olga 2

When I saw that I thought, yes, that’s our Fluke. That cemented to me what everyone was saying about him. And yes, made me worry for Olga.

I hear she is fine and I hope that is true, probably staying as far away from you as possible Fluke.

I’ll leave this with more questions than anything else.  Care to answer any of them Fluke?

Olga, if you are out there and come across this, I’d love to hear your side of what Joey is all about.

By the way here’s the link if you don’t already have it:

I’m not one for posting mug shots, that game was started long before I got here, and I stayed away from this subject for quite a while now. But this is how it must be I guess.

Where ya at Fluke?